2013-08-29 牛津線上辭典收錄最潮新單字,你認識幾個?
“Take a selfie while twerking.”你知道這句話是什麼意思嗎?
而這些潮流英文單字是先被收錄到Oxford Dictionaries Online(ODO),也就是網路版的牛津字典,並不是較正式的Oxford English Dictionary (OED),這個現象也代表隨著社群網路和智慧型手機、平板電腦普及,流行文化、新科技對文學和語言的影響越來越劇烈迅速。
• selfie, n. (informal): a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smartphone or webcam and uploaded to a social media website.
• twerk, v.: dance to popular music in a sexually provocative manner involving thrusting hip movements and a low, squatting stance.
• 電臀舞, 動詞.:以流行音樂作為背景的一種跳舞方式,帶有性感挑逗、低蹲、推移臀部的動作
• digital detox, n.: a period of time during which a person refrains from using electronic devices such as smartphones or computers, regarded as an opportunity to reduce stress or focus on social interaction in the physical world.
• 數位排毒, 名詞.:在一段時間內避免使用電子產品,像是智慧型手機、電腦等等,給自己一個減輕壓力、專注於現實生活動社交互動的機會。
• phablet, n.: a smartphone having a screen which is intermediate in size between that of a typical smartphone and a tablet computer.
• 平板手機, 名詞.: 螢幕大小介於一般智慧型手機及平板電腦的智慧型手機
• flatform, n.: a flat shoe with a high, thick sole.
• 厚底鞋/鬆糕鞋 名詞.: 平底鞋加上很高,很厚的鞋底。
• FOMO, n.: fear of missing out: anxiety that an exciting or interesting event may currently be happening elsewhere, often aroused by posts seen on a social media website.
• FOMO, 名詞.: Fear Of Missing Out,對於有某件興奮、有趣的事情可能正在別處發生產生焦慮,通常是因為在社交媒體上看見別人的貼文而引發。